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Truly French

About us

We at Lingerie Française collectively represent several centuries of outstanding savoir-faire, artistry, and leading-edge innovation. In fact, we essentially invented lingerie. Our member brands include Antigel, Antinéa, Aubade, Chantelle, Empreinte, Eprise, Implicite, Lise Charmel, LouLouisa Bracq, Maison Lejaby, Passionata, and Simone Pérèle.

The gold standard of quality, French lingerie has its many imitators (imitation, as they say, is the sincerest form of flattery), but only lingerie designed in France is truly French – hence the name of our blog. For more information on us and our member brands, visit us here:

We highly appreciate the financial support of DEFI, the Committee for the Development and Promotion of French Clothing, for development and launch of this blog.

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